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Fox & Rynne - Miles & Taroom

What do successful people do?   They…

  1. Desire to change
  2. Have faith in themselves
  3. Have a positive attitude
  4. Develop specialised knowledge
  5. Have imagination
  6. Do organised planning
  7. Have good decision making processes
  8. Have persistence

(Based on "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. Resourced in the early 1900's.)

In management terms…

We have learned from experience that our most successful clients implement these habits in the following detail:…

  • They have a business plan they refer to and adjust as situations change.
  • They insist on prompt preparation of monthly or quarterly figures enabling tax planning throughout the year.
  • Detailed budgets are prepared at least two years in advance, with shorter summary budgets being prepared for the following three years.
  • They review their present financial situation and update their budgets with the assistance of their accountants prior to the end of each financial year.
  • They utilise fully most of the professional services that are available to them, to help maximise the effective management of their business.
  • They plan well ahead to create independent wealth for retirement.

We can help you to be successful too by working with you to implement these procedures.


Fox & Rynne

Fox & Rynne Accountants:     Miles: 07 4627 1500       Taroom: 07 4627 3225